[Sunday, March 12, 2006][Andrew Gallix] REVIEWS, CRITICISM, EDITING & STUFF Reviews & Criticism: "Dark Young Things" published under the title "Rebel With a Literary Cause". Guardian Books Blog (2 May 2007).
A review of David Caron's Aids in French Culture: Social Ills, Literary Cures (University of Wisconsin Press, 2001) in Hyde Park Review of Books 1 (winter 2002)
"Et in Suburbia Ego: Hanif Kureishi's Semi-Detached Storeys." The Buddha of Suburbia. Paris: Ellipses, 1997. 148-164
"Pour une litterature irrefutable: Joe Orton et De la tete aux pieds." Theatre / Public 123 (May-June 1995): 65-70
Quotes used as blurbs: Short review of Kimberly Nichols' Mad Anatomy (Del Sol Press, 2003): "Kimberly Nichols carves a razor-sharp crescent out of a plucked pregnant moon to adorn a dirty martini. Barefoot dances around cactus-skeleton plots like some snake-hipped offspring of Rimbaud and Huck Finn. Skinny dips in the swamp blues of tormented souls or in the tropical storm of conflicting emotions. Like all good American authors, Kim shows us the spiritual rooted in the elemental. Like all great American authors, she shows us that there is another America" (2003)
On the Enfant Terrible (aka Matthew Coleman): "The Enfant Terrible is a latter-day Divine Marquis for the hipster Offbeat Generation. A ballsy Ronald Firbank with knobs on and a broad grin on his bewhiskered chops. He is the bastard offspring of Valmont and Sid James; the missing link between libertinage and the saucy seaside postcard. Think Philosophy in the Bedroom shot by the Carry On team -- with the dodgy philosophy tossed over the end of the pier. Think priapic prose and textual harassment. All hail the Lord of the Unbuttoned Flies!" (2006)
On Tony O'Neill's Seizure Wet Dreams (Social Disease, 2006): "In Seizure Wet Dreams, Tony O'Neill shoots up and scores again. And again. And again... Imagine Bukowski rutting with Burroughs on the wrong side of the track marks. The author has plunged headlong into the darkest underbelly of Tinseltown and lived to tell the tale. The vein-digging, gang-banging, trick-turning, stomach-churning tale he tells -- shot through with the whitest flashes of poetry -- will leave track marks on your soul. For real" (2006)
On the dust jacket of the Alma Books edition of Tom McCarthy's Remainder: "A masterpiece waiting to happen -- again and again and again" (2006)
On the cover of Tom Bradley's Fission Among the Fanatics (Sputyen Duyvil): "Tom Bradley is one of the most criminally underrated authors on the planet" (2007)
On Two Tall Tales and a Short Novel by Heidi James, Kay Sexton and Lucy Fry (Apis Books): "Lycanthropy in Margate? Reading The Mesmerist's Daughter is like being bound in candy floss by Little Red Riding Hood. In this incestuous furry tale, Heidi James rips out the toffee apple of discord at the heart of all childhood nightmares with the daintiest of stilettos. A nursery rhyme without reason from the Angela Carter of the Offbeat Generation. Mesmerising" (2007).
Editing: In 2006, I edited HP Tinker's collection of short stories, The Swank Bisexual Wine Bar of Modernity and Lee Rourke's Everyday both published by Social Disease
Authors who have thanked me in their books for some reason or other: Benderson, Bruce. Autobiographie erotique. Paris: Rivages, 2004. 372 Berger, George. The Story of Crass. London: Omnibus Press, 2006. 295
Pictures: Some of my New Orleans pictures formed the centrespread of Wild Strawberries 3 (June 2005): 28-29