[Thursday, February 02, 2006][Andrew Gallix] BIG-UPS
[Apropos of a non-fiction article] "I was enormously impressed" - Dennis Cooper, author, 2007
"Deliciousness, effusion, sheer tsunamic detail of sense and satire, where you get to fuck and mock multiple celebrities ankle deep in menses and jizz, all over million-franc Persian rugs — almost nobody has ever adequately evoked that gorgeous monster-hardon called Paris. But you have nailed it to the wall like an aether of opium jelly. Your language and sentences and imagery are lush and orgiastic as the topic they encompass. ...I love this kind of writing where every phrase, every juxtaposition of words is considered and balanced, and hilarious at will. ...This is my favorite kind of writing, all the more pleasurable for its rarity (almost nobody has the chops to do it). Exploding with allusions to the big, the timeless, the Biblical, the Shakespearean, the Miltonic, the Joycean, claiming its own niche among those gorgeous monsters through sheer dint of artistic and intellectual doughtiness, and at the same time dancing light as a mote of hashish ash. Nietzsche distinguished between artists who wring their works from a deficit of vitality, and those who blast forth from sheer surplus will — you are clearly to be counted among the latter" - Tom Bradley, author, 2007
"Andrew Gallix writes as if he invented Warhol on Monday, punk rock on Tuesday and then took the rest of the week off after declaring the project a sodding mess. In this day and age when laundry detergent is bold and automobiles are innovative, Gallix’s prose is like a fresh breath of mercurochrome: sharp and acrid with truths that are hideous to behold even though it’s good for us. Never mind Gallix? Bollocks!" - Jim Ruland, author, 2007
"3:AM editor Andrew Gallix's work is well worth reading" - Sam Jordison, writer and journalist, The Guardian, 2007
"The Offbeat Generation is not, as its spokesman Andrew Gallix (the editor-in-chief of the long-running online literary magazine 3:AM) points out, strictly speaking 'a generation' (since its writers range in age from 18-40), rather it is a bunch of people 'united' because they 'feel alienated by a publishing world dominated by marketing'." - Sam Jordison, writer and journalist, The Guardian, 2007
"LOVE IT!" (apropos of "Half-Hearted Confessions of a Gelignite Dolly-Bird") - Georgia de Chamberet, founder of London-based writers' agency BookBlast Ltd, 2007
"I must have read 'Half-Hearted Confessions' at least a dozen times now, and will continue to re-read it. It's a gem... there are so many wonderful turns of phrases there. I've read bits and pieces of your writing (including 'Enough Ribena' in The Edgier Waters) and have arrived at the conclusion that you're one talented fucker, or, to put it more politely, 'Andrew Gallix is a writer,' as Beckett would no doubt have said. I'd love to run this on Dogmatika, it'll shine" - Susan Tomaselli, Editor, Dogmatika, 2007
"A nauseatingly dizzy journey -- in a single night -- through all the post-war cultures of negation that, together, formed a vital historical crux: a time when the outside was in, when 'tomorrow was today'. Capsulized sublimity" - Travis Jeppesen, author and journalist, 2006 (a propos of "Half-Hearted Confessions...")
"I have been rendered speechless by this simile: 'having been awakened by a muffled squishy sound as of manifold foreskins peeled back in unison'. Once I dragged myself from this image, I enjoyed the deranged counter-cultural office party dream affair" - Matthew De Abaitua, author and Literary Editor of The Idler, 2006
"I liked your story. The proof of its quality being the twinge of jealousy I felt as I read it" - Sam Jordison, author and journalist, 2006
"Talking of good things I just read the story you sent me. Wow, you are really pushing the envelope. I like it, I know that. This bit really got me: 'Today was tomorrow when Fanny's angelic features were bathed in gold, her halo melting like fondue cheese, and sparkling fruit carved in dewdrops dangled lasciviously from chandeliers like overripe testes'. I mean it's just brilliant writing. And yes, you made me wish I was at that party" - Tony O'Neill, author, 2006
"Wow, 'Half-Hearted Confessions of a Gelignite Dolly-Bird' is a gorgeously-written story. And I like the main character, and the parade of characters throughout. Really cool stuff" - Utahna Faith, author and editor, 2006
"Mighty fine. Bravo" - Emma Barnes, Snowbooks, 2006
"I admire your work, particularly 'Sweet Fanny Adams' -- a terrific story. For a long time I've admired what you're doing" - Richard Grayson, author, 2006
"Andrew Gallix's short stories make me think of a clandestine meeting between the Marquis de Sade and Borges somewhere on Atlantis shortly before the 'lost continent' sank into the sea. He is the Breton of the post-punk generation, the Rimbaud of the Net, Beckett to my Joyce, and Trocchi to my Beckett. Leaving myself aside (although I don't really see why I should), there aren't many writers I'd rate higher than Gallix" - Stewart Home, writer, artist and underground legend, 2006
"I just came across a few of your pieces which I hadn't read before, one of which 'Sweet Fanny Adams'. It's excellent. Continuously in your work, at least to me and at least throughout what I have read of you, is this over-arching tracing of the most eccentric, most eery but attractive erotisicm. These kinds of 'outre' parallels you draw to sexuality I find really out, and wonderful, man: 'Margherita seemed in a hell of a hurry all of a sudden, even her nose was running. Where is it running to? he wondered. To by-corners Byzantine, I'll be bound, and wondrous Wherevers, to the end of the earth, at the end of its tether.' I think I have to epigraph that somewhere, Gallix. It's fucking incredible" - Donari Braxton, author, 2006
"Andrew, it's a gem! I really like the line: 'Did she acknowledge your existence as she plucked celestial chords on her flyaway hair and breathed honeyed tones down her cellular phone? Did she fuck'" - Lee Rourke, Editor of Scarecrow, 2006
"Spellbinding" - Lee Rourke, Editor of Scarecrow, 2005
"Hey, it's not bad at all, your story. Reminds me of Ada by Nabokov" - Tom McCarthy, author of Remainder, 2005
"Crisp and humorous stories. Mickey Spillane meets Thomas Nashe in Pissing Conduit. . . . Also like it when a writer in a natural way sends me to a dictionary as you did with 'micturated' and 'matutinal'" - William Levy, writer and living legend, 2001
"I read through 'Sweet Fanny Adams' again last night, and laughed so much. You've got quite the spark!" - Mary Sands, Editor of Jack Magazine, 2001
"Mr Gallix, I don't know if you're the same Andrew Gallix who published a story in Milk Magazine, but if you are, I wanted to tell you I really enjoyed it" - Lisa Polisar, writer, 2001
"You're one of the best writers I have on the site" - Paul Ash, writer and Editor of Sniffy Linings Press, 2001
"The best [story in Planet Prozak 12] was Andrew Gallix's 'Sweet Fanny Adams': witty, clever, different (the 'fleeting glimpse of the dark, gaping twilight zone between M's parting thighs' reminded me of the good things that life has to offer in Parisian railway stations)" - Steve Redwood, letter to the Editor of Planet Prozak, 2001
"By way of introduction, this is what I like: A voluptuousness of language -- Andrew Gallix's 'Sweet Fanny Adams' is smart and funny and simply basks in its own linguistic glow" - Valerie Cyhilic, Editorial, The Melic Review (issue 10), 2000
"It luxuriates in language, the pure pleasure of words" - The Melic Review, 2000
"Funny and bouncy and sexy prose" - Alistair Gentry, author, 2000
"An excellent story" "Thanks for the marvelous story" - C.A. Wyman, Editor of The Absinthe Literary Review, 2000
"Good god, man -- are you sure you wouldn't want to send these tremendous works to a paying market?" - Brendan McKennedy, Editor, Tourist 2000
"First rate! These are the sort of stories we are looking for" - Jay Currie, Publisher, Two Chairs Magazine, 2000
"I think you have a bucketload of talent" - The Scriberazone, 1999
"It is a joy to read someone who isn't afraid to have fun with words" - James Horner, Editor of Progress, 1999
"One of the best pieces of prose we've seen in quite a while" - Erin Elizabeth Smith, Editor-in-Chief of Stirring, 1999
"I was blown away by 'Sweet Fanny Adams'. ...The wordplay made me grin with admiration" - Natalie DuPont, Editor of ApparentDepth, 1999